James Jackson, Jr.

...and his official website


Why do I teach?

As artists, we have a responsibility to give back.  I have a deep respect for collaboration.  Collaboration is a necessity as an artist.  And only you can decide what kind of collaborator you want to be.

In all of my training, I never have a teacher who looked like me, who presented like me. So, I became the one I wanted to see. Anyone who has felt underrepresented in the arts — Helping them find space to bring their full selves to their creative process is integral to my teaching philosophy.



How do I teach?

The clearest path to creativity is the most comfortable one. Getting in our own way as artists can lead to frustrations, anxiety, & fear. I like to find the fear in the room and face it.

We use our bodies to tell stories.  We store several NYC extrinsic forces in those same bodies. We interrupt our own paths…and sometimes with help from the Big Apple. I work to build a creative practice that cultivates courage, confidence, staying present, lowering the stakes—not the bar, & getting to better know what kind of artist you are, and who you are at your core.

When do i teach?

Contact me HERE to schedule time more info. Available for virtual and some in-person coaching options. Let’s talk! Classroom/Workshop presentations include “The Creative Process”, “Acting I, II, & III”, and more…Reach out for info!